
Friday 18 January 2019

Early Riser? or no?

I personally think that I am night owl because
i  hate waking early in the morning, I can stay
up all night and sleep all day if you make me
wake up earlier than 8.00am I will be so grumpy you'll regret it
my family are the earliest birds of early birds they can wake up
so early i wont even notice there awake.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hope!

    My name is Ellee I am another commentor on the Summer Learning Journey team!
    I hope you have had an awesome school holidays? :)

    Thank you for sharing about the night owls and early risers in your family. :)
    I see you are a night owl - What are you normally up doing?
    This made me giggle: " if you make me wake up earlier than 8.00am I will be so grumpy you'll regret it"
    My sister used to be the same! :)

    If I am up late normally I am watching a movie, at a special occasion or on holiday! I normally go to be pretty early - I enjoy my sleep :)
    Sometimes I even struggle to stay awake until midnight on New Years!

    How did you do with that? Did you make it to midnight?
    Any fireworks?

    Great job Hope - Ka pai!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)
