
Sunday, 18 March 2018

Princess Diana

Princess Diana
Diana Spencer was not born a princess,she did not even become lady Diana until she was
13 years old, when her grandfather died, and her
father became earl Spencer. Although  the Spencer were one of the oldest and
the richest families in Britain
. Their family had lived on the same estates at althorp in northamptonshire for 500 years.

Diana grew to be proud of her Spencer background, but as a small child it meant little to her.
Her childhood was spent at park house in Norfolk. She loved the comfortable , rambling older
house, surrounded by
rolling fields and woods, where she played with her two older sisters,Sarah and June , and
her younger brother, Charles

But when Diana was just 7 years old when a terrible shadow was a cast across her life.
Her parents divorced and her mother moved away to London. Diana felt abandoned and helpless.
she never forgot the sound of her mother's car driving away that night. She hoped that her own
children would never suffer a similar distress.

When her father divorced he decide to remarry with his second wife, Raine.
Diana worshipped her father but was really upset when he decide  to remarry in 1974

Diana’s  first school was in kings Lynn, a town near her home. Though The classes were small
and the teachers very caring , Diana always found school life difficult. Unlike her brother Charles,
she did not shine in her work.she became quiet and shy, though she was especially kind and
helpful to young children Here is the Althorp to witch Diana's family moved when  she
Was just 14. She found it spooky,like an old man's club, full of clocks  ticking.

But all of this happy stories Diana found a prince and were happy they had 2 children named
harry and William was the oldest was born 21 June 1982 than two years earlier came harry who
was born 15 September 1984 who lived happily ever after til, they divorced and not long after that
Diana passed away in a car crash 31 august 1997 in the pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris, France
her boyfriend Dodi fayed and the diver died instantly Diana had severe chest damage and was
rushed to the hospital that night and died earlier on that Sunday.
-R.I.P Princess Diana

  • By Hope Stowers

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