
Thursday, 27 December 2018

My Hometown

My hometown may be very different to other people, but that's why it's special to me. You may think it's your ordinary hometown but the land of the long white cloud, Auckland city is a beautiful place to be in.

Auckland  is a beautiful but settle place to live in. There are many wonderful family parks and beaches for your whole family to enjoy is has a big range of options to choose as a family even when it's raining it's a fantastic to area to be in.

Again why's it special to me?  Because Auckland city is a place I grew up in it 's a great  memory of my life and on going future and if your going to pop in to the great land of the long white cloud don't forget to check out some of my kiwiana favorites such as the sky tower . Image result for Sky Tower

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Hope,

    Auckland is such a special place! I grew up here to and I feel so lucky everyday. Especially when the weather is nice and I get to go to the beach with my friends and family. The Skytower is an awesome place to visit in Auckland. Have you been up it before?

    Keep up the great blogging!

    Talk soon,

    Sophie :)
