
Friday, 18 January 2019

Christ the Redeemer

I think that this guy is experiencing the greatest time of
his life reaching the top of christ the redeemer statue
in Rio DE Janeiro he is so excited that he doesn't realize
how extreme his selfie was and the amazing height and
long drop below him he doesn't look nervous that he's
on a risky high statue he looks as if he wants to experience
the view of Rio  and wanting to be someone known for climbing
something that tall that can be very very very risky and from what
I can see it looks as if he has a lot of confidence to be on top of
this Christ Redeemer Statue and would probably not regret it when
he gets off it because he had Faith in climbing the very tall
and statue and looked like he had fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hope!

    Great observations of this selfie! I like that you have thought about so many different aspects - Who, what, where...

    I was intrigued by this selfie, I wanted to know where/what was happening so I did a bit of a google and found this:

    Did you find this article too?
    What do you think?
    Would you do that too if you had the opportunity?

    Looks really high to me! I am a little bit afraid of heights.
    I like to challenge my fears sometimes though - I worked at a camp in America and decided to become a High Ropes Instructor to try lessen my fear of heights. I think it worked a little bit. :)
    I also tried canyoneering on my trip to the Philippines and jumped from a 13m high waterfall - I was really scared but chuffed I did it!!
    Do you have anything you are afraid of?

    Great work Hope!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)
